首页> 社区> 文书写作> Essay/论文> 普林斯顿大学本科申请新增英文或历史论文要...


      如果看到这里你还侥幸地认为此次普林斯顿的新政策同样也只针对本国学生!与国际学生没有任何的关系!那你就错了!美中国际Spark Education仕博教育外籍导师团队已经第一时间致电普林斯顿大学录取办公室,经确认,以上要求,同样适用于国际学生。








      I personally am so proud of Princeton for making this decision. As a bad test taker myself, I recognize that it is pretty stressful to put together a strong essay in such a limited amount of time. I think that by providing students the opportunity to submit a writing sample, Princeton is joining other schools in recognizing that tests are not the biggest, most important thing on your application.



      Andrew Huff - My thoughts on Princeton getting rid of the writing section of the SAT are positive, because I've never much seen the point of the writing section. Your writing is much better represented by actual completed works of writing like class assignments or college essays. By having students submit a writing from class instead, the school will get a much better idea of writing skill.

      As for diversity/cost reduction reason, I am more skeptical that it will significantly impact those things, because anybody looking to go to Princeton will almost certainly be applying to other selective colleges and will nearly always have taken the full SAT. All in all, I still think its a good idea, if not for the reasons publicized.

      我对普林斯顿大学不再要求SAT写作成绩持积极看法,因为我从来不觉得SAT写作有很大意义。学生完成的课堂作业或大学申请论文,能更好地展现写作水平。用学生课堂英文写作替代SAT写作成绩,学校将能更好地了解到其写作能力和技巧。至于因为多元化或降低教育成本而不要求SAT Essay成绩的说法,我很怀疑它真的会产生重大影响,因为申请普林斯顿大学的学生大多会申请其他顶尖名校,因此也将会参加SAT写作考试。总而言之,除了公开的原因,我仍然认为这是一个好主意。


      I think Princeton’s move away from using the SAT essay and toward a classroom sample essay as a way to assess applicants’ writing abilities is a great idea that more colleges should adopt.


      Firstly, the SAT essay does not accurately show a student’s writing abilities. The graders of the SAT essay are looking for formulaic writing: a clear introduction with an obvious thesis, a few body paragraphs that start with topic sentences and end with repetitive concluding sentences, and a final conclusion that just repeats all the arguments already stated in the rest of the essay. Formulaic writing is not indicative of good writing, but rather simply the ability to follow a formula and often, the financial ability to afford a test prep service that teaches the student that formula.


      Secondly, taking the essay portion of the SAT is costly. Studies show, again and again, that high SAT scores are not correlated with anything other than the student’s financial ability. As a result, succeeding at the SAT essay doesn’t reflect the student’s writing ability; it reflects their family’s income more than anything. This part of the college admissions is not fair to low income families, further giving advantages to financially privileged students, yielding a more homogeneous student body.


      Finally, using a piece of writing that the student has turned in as a school assignment evens out the playing field for everyone and is a better way to assess applicants’ writing abilities. There is no financial barrier to submitting a classroom essay; everyone applying to college is turning in writing assignments for their schools. Furthermore, a school assigned essay demonstrates a student’s true writing abilities: their critical thinking skills, writing style and maturity, and even creativity.


      As for the effects of this change on international applicants, I think that there is little effect on GreatChina’s clients because most of their families could afford the SAT essay and test prep services. However, this change might cause the students to have to work harder and more precisely on honing their English writing skills because it is easy to learn the formulaic writing asked for by the SAT essay, but it is much harder to truly write well on a school assigned essay that gives more room for critical thinking and creativity.



      I think Princeton's move away from requiring this portion of the SAT is good because as others have mentioned, it does not demonstrate the true writing ability of students, but instead demonstrates an ability to follow the format of the test. In addition, for those students who do not have the resources to specifically prepare for standardized tests like the SAT, this will be a way to better even the playing field. On another note, for Chinese students that want to take advantage of this change, they will have to communicate more closely with their English class teachers, and work together with their school to ensure that they are able to get credit for longer form English writing assignments.






      最后,再分享一个劲爆消息:考虑到美国顶尖大学对英文论文的新增申请要求和近期申请变化趋势,美中国际Spark Education 仕博教育将于8月起开设每月一次的外籍英文论文写作课堂、原著书籍阅读课堂;美中国际七中万达国际部将对普高的学生提供“全额奖学金政策”报读国际部AP课程的选项。



