首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> 夏日被蚊子咬?几个小妙招教你止痒(双语)

  Summer means outdoor BBQs, sunsets, fireworks… and mosquitos ugh! The season is meant to be spent outside, but how annoying are those mosquitos。 Suddenly realizing that you have 10 red, puffy, itchy bumps on your legs is the actual WOAT。 Unfortunately, mosquitos are kind of unavoidable during the summer, so how can you make sure that your bites go away as fast as possible?


  Don‘t itch them。 You’re kidding, right?! Nope… if you can avoid itching your mosquito bites, they will be less itchy in the long run, and go away faster! Why? Well basically, once a mosquito bites you, it leaves behind its saliva which your body recognizes as a foreign substance。 So, in response, your body‘s immune system produces antibodies to fight the invader, which results in the release of histamine (the compound that makes things itch and swell)。 When you start itching a mosquito bite, you give your immune system another wake-up call, and more antibodies and histamine are released, aka, more swelling, itching, and redness。


  So, next time you‘ve been bitten by the bug, try holding off as long as you can to scratch。 You’ll be thanking us later!



