首页> 社区> 留学选校> 成功案例> 张同学11年级获麻省顶尖走读名校WaringSch


        张同学:珠海某国际中学,英式高中11年级,在年级排名前10,英语表达非常地道,成绩也很优秀。由于同学决定出国已经3月底了,她没有托福成绩,并且家人对于她申请学校也是非常高期待值。刚好4月10日,有5所美国高中到美中到访问,我们利用起美中国际的资源和影响力,给她安排了面试,并且她在面试中给校董招生官留下非常深刻美好的印象。由于给她报名的托福考试最早只能安排在5月,学校的招生委员会开会讨论后特殊给她安排了第二次校长面试。幸运的是,Z同学在面试中发挥得很好,麻省顶尖走读名校Waring School(麻省地区排名)在24小时后给她发放了录取。成功离不开学生的优秀和独特,也归功于美中的高中申请团队。



校园面积:32 acres of fields (3 athletic fields) pine woods, pond, stream, and marshland

学校性质: 6-12年级男女混校,私立走读

截至2015年的毕业生人数: 580

2015年毕业生: 28

班级人数: 10 to 16

在校学生人数: 151

师生比: 7:1

ØTeaching Assistants-Juniors and seniors may apply to become Teaching Assistants (TA) in any of our curricular areas: humanities, French, math, science, music, theater, art, health, and athletics. 11年级和12年级的学生有机会申请成为以下学科的助教:人文学,法语,数学,科学,音乐,戏剧,艺术,健康,体育。


Interdisciplinary Humanities course; four years' math and science requirement; comprehensive music and arts instruction; French immersion, cultural exchange programs and trips abroad; individually tailored course placements; multi-age advising groups; End term experiential projects and service opportunities; Senior Intensives and Student Teacher Assistantships.

Standardized Testing: 

AP课程:AP English Literature and Composition; AP Calculus BC; AP French Language; AP Studio Art; 

SAT Subject Test: Physics; Chemistry (occasionally offered). Waring Students also frequently take, and do well on, the SAT Subject Test French with Listening, SAT Subject Test Math L1, SAT Subject Test Math L2, and the SAT Subject Test Literature. Almost all Waring Students take the PSATs several times while students as well as taking the SATs and the ACTs.

National Merit Scholars:

As of June 2012, 29 Waring Graduates have been named National Merit Scholarship Finalists or Semifinalists, 59 have been named Commended Students.



