同学们大家好~欢迎来到今天的雅思开讲啦!今天Phoebe要教大家一个非常重要的技能—Plan your essay。大家在雅思写作的时候不要看到题目就急于动笔写,而是要先好好策划一下段落结构。接下来就详细讲解一下该怎样plan your essay。
首先,你要考虑一下文章的structure—你要先想好打算写几个段落,以及每个段落写什么内容;其次,你要考虑文章的idea—你需要头脑风暴围绕该主题能想到的内容并且写下来一些good ideas。接下来还是以一道具体的真题为例,题目如下:
Thoughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society. However, there is still no agreement about what a perfect society would be like. What, in your opinion, would be the most important element of a perfect society? What can people do to help create an ideal society?
4-paragraph essay plan
1. Introduction
2. Main paragraph
3. Main paragraph
4. Conclusion
1. 开头段
2. 主体段
3. 主体段
4. 结尾段
大家请注意:You don’t need to plan ideas for the introduction or the conclusion.也就是说,你无需策划开头和结尾段。Planning your essay,意味着你只需要关注在主体段上。
1. Introduction
2. Main paragraph:the most important element
3. Main paragraph:what can people do?
4. Conclusion
这样structure就策划好了!接下来最重要的,We need ideas!如果structure是骨骼的话,那ideas就会让文章变得有血有肉。接下来一起头脑风暴一下每个段落可以写的内容:
Paragraph 2: The most important element of a perfect society
Safety: No crime, trust our neighbours, feel part of a community, able to leave doors unlocked. Trust institutions (police, government), feel protected by the law. Safety is the most basic freedom.
Paragraph 3: What can people do to create a perfect society?
在这段中,我们将要采取Firstly, Secondly, Finally的写作层次来进行阐述,我想到的有:
We can do several things: 1. Hold leaders and politicians to account, ensure institutions work properly. 我们能做的事情有,首先,确保领导和政客都能正确行事,使各个机构正常有序运转。在这里,大家记住这个词组hold…to accout,英文释意为make sure they do their job properly for the benefit of everyone,也就是说确保…正确行事以使大家受益。高分词组噢~
2. get involved in our communities, help neighbours, treat others better.
3. Look after the environment (enery, rubbish ), safeguard the future of our planet.
以上就完成了整个planning the essay。策划的过程可能会花费你大概10分钟的时间,但是,这一切都是值得的。因为当你有了这样一个条理清晰的写作框架之后,剩余的30分钟将足够你轻松地写出一篇很棒的作文。