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Chowhound2017-10-31 10:50:30浏览1145







1. Psych — (G) Mind
Psychology (the study of the mind)
2. Phil — (G) Love
Cinephile (movie lover)
3. Struc — (L) Build
Structure (parts or pieces built into something complex)
4. Vac — (L) Empty
Vacuous (having an empty mind, not thinking)
5. Ver — (L) True
Veritable (real, true, authentic)
6. Scrib/Scrip — (L) Write
Prescription (a written note signed by a doctor which provides instructions for medicine or treatment)
7. Mega — (G) Great, large
Megaphone (a large device which makes your voice louder)
8. Mono — (G) Single
Monochromatic (having only one color)
9. Luc — (L) Light
Lucid (bright, clear)
10. Mal — (L) Bad
Malevolent (wanting to do bad or evil things)
11. Mar — (L) Sea
Marina (a port or harbor for boats and ships)
12. Manu/Mani — (L) Hand
Manicure (a treatment to make your hands look clean, neat and polished)
13. Min — (L) Small
Miniscule (very small in size)
14. Fort — (L) Strong
Fortitude (strength)
15. Mort — (L) Death
Mortician (someone who prepares dead bodies to be buried)
16. Nas/Nat — (L) Birth
Nascent (coming into existence, something just recently created)
17. Trans — (L) Across
Transatlantic (something which crosses the Atlantic Ocean)
18. Voc/Vos — (L) Voice
Vociferous (loud, someone who speaks loudly or talks a lot)
19. Aqua — (L) Water
Aquarium (a tank of water where fish are kept as pets)
20. Bene — (L) Good
Benevolent (wanting good things for people, generous, kind)
21. Chron — (G) Time
Chronological (organized by time of occurrence)
22. Bio — (G) Life
Biology (the study of living things)
23. Theo — (G) God
Theology (the study of religion)
24. Phone — (G) Sound
Telephone (a device used to talk with other people)
25. Omni — (L) All
Omniscient (knowing everything)
26. Sens/Sent — (L) Feel
Sentimental (emotional, attaching emotional value to things)
27. Terr — (L) Earth
Terrarium (a container for land animals kept as pets, often containing rocks, dirt or sand)
28. Vid/Vis — (L) See
Visible (able to be seen)
29. Auto — (G) Self
Automatic (happens on its own)
30. Poly — (G) Many
Polyglot (person who can speak many languages)


1. ad — (L) to, attached to
2. amphi — (G) both, about, around
3. andro — (G) man, male
4. semi — (L) half
5. non — (L) not
6. pre — (L) before
7. inter — (L) between
8. anti — (G) against, opposed
9. co — (L) with, together
10. mono — (G) one, single, alone

1. able — (L) is, can be
2. act — (L) state, quality
3. phil/phile — (G) fear, fearing
4. chrome — (G) color
5. logy — (G) study of
6. ism — (G) act, practice or result of
7. some — (G) body
8. cidal/cide — (L) killer, a killing
9. meter — (G) a measurement
10. nomy — (G) systematized knowledge of



