首页> 社区> 留学选校> 英国> 利兹大学2018年语言课搭配说明

Courses in the Academic Year (October - June)

For the academic year 2017-18:


Term 1 (starting in October 2017): Apply by 25 August 2017
Term 2 (starting in January 2018): Apply by 1 December 2017
Term 3 (starting in April 2018): Apply by 2 March 2018

Courses in the Summer (July - September)

Term 4 10 week courses (starting in July 2018): Apply by 1 June 2018
Term 4 6 week courses (starting in August 2018): Apply by 29 June 2018

Applicants are free to apply after the deadline and applications will be considered if there are places available. Acceptance is at the discretion of the Language Centre. *Please note that late arrivals will be liable to pay the full fees for the course.


