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  A person may suffer from post vacation blues after returning home or to a normal routine from a long vacation, especially if it was a pleasurable one. The longer a trip lasts, the more intense the post vacation blues may be. This is because after the person returns home, they realize how boring and unsatisfactory their normal lifestyle routine is when compared to the activities they did while on their holiday/vacation.

  过完长假的人们会在返回家中或是回到日常节奏后遭受“假期后抑郁” 的折磨,尤其是假期过得很愉快的时候。旅程越长,“假期后抑郁”就越严重。这是因为人们回家后就会发现,与假期时的各种活动相比,日常的生活方式有多无聊和不尽人意。

  It is easier to adjust to a normal routine the shorter the trip was. Post vacation blues may result in tiredness, loss of appetite, strong feelings of nostalgia, and in some cases, depression. In general, post vacation blues will wear off over time. It usually takes a few days, but in extreme cases it can last for several weeks for the mood to fully wear off.


  Know what to expect when you return. For many people, part of the discomfort of returning to work is the stress that comes back after being away. However, one way to cut down on that stress when you return is to contact a coworker a day or two before you’ll be returning to work. Your colleague can fill you in on any changes and let you know about anything you might have missed, which can make the transition back into your workplace a little less stressful than coming in blind to those issues.


  Bring a vacation souvenir back to your workplace. If you’re worried you might have a hard time adjusting to being back at work, school, or just being home in general, having a souvenir around might make that transition a little smoother. Souvenirs can remind you of the fun time you had, and studies have shown that imagining being back in a fun, relaxing place is often enough to relieve stress and anxiety after returning from a big trip.


  Some may find comfort in re-living their vacation experiences, for example, if one really enjoyed jet-skiing during their holiday, they may purchase their very own jet-ski for personal use.


  Begin planning your next vacation as soon as you get back. Having another vacation on the horizon, even if it won’t be for quite a long time, can help you adjust to being back at work/school. It can be psychologically upsetting to be back in your old routine, but knowing that something just as fun is in your future will brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.



