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  Many eye creams say they will lessen wrinkles and help with dark circles, and they aren't wrong — keeping your under eye area hydrated helps prevent wrinkles and improves overall appearance according to Livestrong.


  What you need to keep in mind when it comes to eye creams, though, is that the ingredients in many popular eye creams actually don't differ much from a facial moisturizer, according to Fry Face. The only real difference tends to be that it's much less product for a lot more money.

  Fry Face网站称,你需要记住的是,许多大热眼霜的成分实际上和补水面霜差别不大。唯一的区别在于,你付了更多的钱买到了一瓶少得多的面霜。

  Instead, just use a high-quality moisturizer all over your face, including your under eye area.



  If you do any research into skin care, you'll notice a number of fancy-sounding names popping up. But what's important to remember is that a product having a cool name doesn't inherently make it a good product.


  Be sure to do research into the ingredients and quality of every product you buy, rather than relying on the name itself.



  Over the last few years, coconut oil has been a hugely trendy skin-care product, touted for its use for everything from hair to body to face. But is it really worth it? Sadly, coconut oil can actually be pore-clogging, according to Healthline. Of course, if it works for you, you should still use it, but if you find yourself breaking out, it could be the cause.



  There are tons of skin-care pills and other supplements out there. You might think you need a supplement to have clear, glowing skin, but they aren't all created equally. Do you need to use these skin-care supplements? Probably not, according to The Klog.

  市面上的各种护肤药品和补品数不胜数,你也许以为自己需要服用补品才能拥有光洁红润的肌肤。但这些药品成分不尽相同。你需要服用护肤药品吗?The Klog网站的答案是,并不需要。

  But if you're going to try them, make sure you pay attention to what they're actually made of so you're not just seeing a placebo effect.


  Besides, make sure that the impact won't wear off if you stop taking the supplement. You might notice that your skin is only as good for as long as you're taking the product, which can get expensive.



