申请美国大学,当你的申请提交之后,无非三个申请结果,录取,拒录,Waiting List (放入候选名单),前两个结果不用过多解释,这篇文章重点介绍一下当你的申请放到了候选名单怎么办?
A. 更好的标准化成绩,比如托福,或者雅思,GRE或者GMAT,如果这段时间有明显的提高,立刻跟美国的招生委员会更新,但请注意,一定要通过申请渠道去更新成绩,这样第一时间学校就能收到,通过ETS官方送分,效率太低有可能会超过一个月,这个时间已经是太长了,因为一般这个时候都已经到了录取后期,耽误的时间越长,不确定性越高。
C. 更有价值的科研经历,对于理工科的申请,是非常考量学生的科研能力和科研经历的,可以利用提交申请之后相对闲暇的时间,在这方面多努努力,也是个很好的背景有重大提升的事情,对于招生官RE-EVALUATE“重新评估“你的申请是有重大帮助的。
以下这封信就是帮助一位申请普度大学的商业分析硕士的同学,从waiting list争取到offer的详细邮件,供大家参考,总结有几点:
1. 表达你强烈的想去这所学校的意愿;
2. 你期望招生官重新评估你的申请的理由;
3. 你的有重大改变的背景和条件。
Dear Mr. Greg Beaver:
Thank you for your email and time.It’s better to be on you wait list than on your rejected-list, even I would like to be admitted to Purdue University.There are some changes about my professional, academic and research background for your kind consideration and re-evaluation for my application.
Applicant: Sun XXXXX Reference Number: XXXXXXXX
Part 1: Employment:Daimler Greater China Ltd. Full-Time January 2016 – May 2016Established in January 2001 and headquartered in Beijing, Daimler Greater China Ltd. (DGRC) is responsible for the operations of Mercedes-Benz Cars, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Trucks and Buses, Mercedes-Benz Financial (including Mercedes-Benz Auto Finance and Mercedes-Benz Leasing), Daimler Spare Parts and R&D Centers in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.Responsibility: Data Managemet, including Receipts, Cash Managemetn, Daily Overview etc. And involved in the Contract and Agreement Management
Manager: XXX XXX +0086-10-XXXXX XXXXX@daimler.com
Part 2: Research Experience: October 2015 – March 2016Project: Involved in the Research of Educational Intelligence Analysis System, Hosted by Network Information Center, University of Chinese Academy Of ScienceResponsibility: Involved in the Data Cleaning and Transforming, directed by the supervisor, completed the Explanation, Verification and Merge of the Data related to the students. And established the Analytics Model for the Students Academic Risk. This model consider the factors of the majors, GPA, Grades of the core courses, and durations etc. By using Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) to correlation analyze, we can forcast the difficulty that the student would have been encountered with, so as to render assistance to them in advance.
Supervisor: XXXX XXXXX +0086-10-XXXXXX XXXXXX@ucas.edu.cn
Part 3: Graduation DissertationTopic: The Effectivness to the Operation Efficiency of the Ownership Concentratio in China’s Listed CompanyAbstract: In China, there are two ownership models of State-owned and Private-owned. In my work, I will discuss and analyze the level of the ownership concertratioin, and the influence to the operations of the listed company.
Professor: XXXX XXXXX +0086-10-XXXXXX XXXXXX@gmail.com