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心理学源于西方 中国起步较晚
1.University College London(伦敦大学学院)
Developmental and Educational Psychology(发展与教育心理学)
A minimum of a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard, either in psychology or a related subject, that has been accredited by the British Psychological Society.
Or: A minimum of a second-class Bachelor’s degree that contains at least 60 credits (excluding year one) in the five core areas of psychology (Biological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personalities and Individual Differences and Social Psychology).
Special. Only the IELTS or a pass to the required standard in the Institute of Education's pre-sessional English (PASHE) course are accepted. If taking IELTS, applicants must obtain an overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in the reading subtest and 6.0 in the writing subtest.
Core Modules
Methodology and Statistics
Qualitative Data Analysis
Development Psychology
Personality and Social Psychology
Cognitive Development and Learning
Social Development
Core Topics in Psychology of Education
Psychology of Education MSc(教育心理学)
A minimum of a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard, either in psychology or a related subject, that has been accredited by the British Psychology Society.
Or: A good first degree that contains at least 60 credits (excluding year 1) in the five core areas of psychology (Biological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personalities and Individual Differences and Social Psychology).
he English language level for this programme is: Special. Only the IELTS or a pass to the required standard in the Institute of Education's pre-sessional English (PASHE) course are accepted. If taking IELTS, applicants must obtain an overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in the reading subtest and 6.0 in the writing subtest.
Core Modules
Core Topics in the Psychology of Education
Methodology and Statistics
Cognitive Development and Learning or Personality and Social Psychology
Students choose one module from the following:
Atypical Development
Developmental Psychology and Psychobiology
Issues in Educational Neuroscience
Language Development
Literacy Development
Psychological Aspects of Counselling
Reading and Spelling Difficulties
Social Development
2.University of manchester (曼彻斯特大学)
MEd Psychology of Education (教育心理学)
A good honours degree (minimum 2:1), or the overseas equivalent, in any discipline is required.
IELTS 6.5 overall with 6.5 in writing and no sub-score below 6.0
Course content includes:
Psychology of Human Development
Research Issues in Psychology & Education
Social Psychology of Education
Current Issues in Special Educational Needs
Applied Prevention in Education
Business Psychology(商务心理学)
We normally look for a UK bachelor degree with first or upper second class honours or the overseas equivalent in psychology without GBC (Graduate Basis for Chartership), or in related disciplines such as social sciences, human resources or business and management. Knowledge or experience of statistics is desired.
7.0 overall with speaking and writing 6.5 and no other element below 6.0
Semester 1
Selection and Assessment in Organisations
Research Methods 1
Test User: Occupational - Ability and Personality (Level A and B)
Training, Support and Development
Semester 2
Work Design, Performance and Well-Being
Managing People and Organisations
Research Methods 2
Relationships at Work
3.University of edinburgh (爱丁堡大学)
Psychological Research(心理学研究)
A UK 2:1 degree, or its international equivalent, in psychology or a related discipline. Please contact the Programme Director if you have any other qualifications.
IELTS: total 7.0 (at least 6.5 in each module)
Compulsory courses:
Current Topics in Psychological Research
Multivariate Statistics and Methodology using R
Psychological Research Skills
Specialist Techniques in Psychological Research
Univariate Statistics and Methodology using R
Option courses:
Brain Imaging in Neuropsychology
Clinical Neuropsychology
Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology
Critical Social Psychology
Disorders of Language Functions
History of Unorthodox Psychology
Mind, Body and Consciousness
Working Memory in Healthy and the Damaged Brain
Multisensory Integration
Psychology of Language MSc(语言心理学)
A UK 2:1 degree, or its international equivalent, in psychology, linguistics, cognitive science or a related subject.
IELTS: total 7.0 (at least 6.5 in each module)
You will take two compulsory courses:
Psychological Research Skills
Univariate Statistics and Methodology using R
You will also choose six from the following:
Discourse Comprehension
Disorders of Language Functions
Language Behaviours, Brains and Cognition: Data and Theories
Language Behaviours, Brains and Cognition: Principles and Approaches
Language Production
Multivariate Statistics and Methodology Using R
Sentence Comprehension
Under exceptional circumstances, alternative courses may be substituted with the permission of the programme director.
You will choose further courses that may be taken from the compulsory course list or from option courses in related areas such as philosophy, language sciences and informatics. These include:
Concepts and Categorisation
Eye Movements and Visual Cognition
First Language Acquisition
Introduction to Phonology and Phonetics
Introduction to Semantics
Introduction to Syntax
Origins and Evolution of Language
Second Language Acquisition
Simulating Language
4.University of Bristol(布里斯托大学)
Education (Psychology of Education)(教育(教育心理学))
A UK honours degree (Second Class Honours or international equivalent).
Applicants for this programme are required to demonstrate either a substantial academic background (normally, at least 60 credits at undergraduate level) in Psychology, or that they have obtained significant work experience in an area relevant to Psychology.
6.5 overall, minimum 6.0 in all bands
Core unit:
Introduction to Educational Inquiry
And 60 credits from:
Brain, Mind and Education
Cognition and Learning
Developmental Psychology
Social and Socio-Cultural Psychology
The Psychology of Individual Differences
5.University of glasgow (格拉斯哥大学)
Psychological Science (conversion) MSc (心理学)
Entry requirements for postgraduate taught programmes are a 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent qualification (for example, GPA 3.0 or above) in a Science subject.
overall score 6.5
no sub-test less than 6.0
or equivalent scores in another recognised qualification (see below)
Core courses
Cognitive psychology
Human development
Individual differences
Physiological psychology
Research methods
Social psychology
Research project.
6.University of nottingham (诺丁汉大学)
Psychology (Conversion) MSc(心理学)
2.1 (Upper 2nd class honours degree or international equivalent).
6.5 (no less than 6.0 in any element)
You will study the following core modules:
Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Practical Methods
Statistical Methods
Neuroscience and Behaviour
Personality and Individual Differences
Social and Developmental Psychology
You will also be able to choose 20 credits’ worth of modules from the following options, subject to timetabling constraints and course prerequisites:
Educational Psychology   
Cognitive Development and Learning     
Neuropsychology and Applied Neuroimaging   
Advanced Visual Perception          
Psychology of Digital Technology
Understanding Patterns of Action   
Mind and Brain       
Applied Psychology: Road User Behaviour     
Clinical Psychology           
Neuropsychology: Dissertation
Developmental Cognitive Neuropsychology
Neuropsychology of action       
Altruism, Cooperation and Helping    
Developmental Dyslexia  
Learning & Technology  
Patterns of Action: Dissertation  
Applied Psychology: Road User Behaviour  
Forensic and Mental Health    
Cognition in the Real World         
Mechanisms of Learning and Psychopathology
Social Neuroscience Research
7.University of Sheffield(谢菲尔德大学)
Psychology and Education(心理与教育)
A good honors degree in a related field.
You'll need to include a personal statement with your application.
Overall IELTS grade of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component, or equivalent.
Core modules
Critical Issues in Education and Educational Research
The Practice of Research
Developmental Psychology
Psychology and Learning Communities
Active inquiry
8.Leeds University(利兹大学)
Organizational Psychology(组织心理学)
A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) that is BPS accredited.
IELTS 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0 in any component
Compulsory Modules:
The Psychology of Effective Organizations
Personnel Selection and Training
Design of Complex Human-Technical Systems
Organizational Development and Change
Managing Performance and Developing Careers
Research Design and Analysis
Advanced Behavioral Research Design and Analysis
Commercial and Professional Skills
9.Lancaster University(兰卡斯特大学)
Social Psychology(社会心理学)
Upper second class honours degree, or its equivalent, in Psychology or in any related discipline.
IELTS: 6.5 or equivalent.
Social Psychology
Conducting and Presenting Psychological Research
Analysing and Interpreting Psychological Data I
Analysing Talk and Text
Developmental Disorders
Analysing and Interpreting Psychological Data II
Developmental Psychology
Psychological Aspects of Advertising
Research Methods in the Study of Infant Development
Unconscious influences in decision making
Overcoming biases in human decision making
Environment and Culture
Gender and Violence
Theorising Security and War
Mental Health: Theory, Research and Practice
Conflict Management and Contemporary Conflicts
10.University of Aberdeen(阿伯丁大学)
Health Psychology(健康心理学)
Applicants should possess a 2:1 or higher Honours degree in Psychology, recognised as Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) by the British Psychological Society.
Listening - 5.5 or above
Reading – 6.0 or above
Speaking - 5.5 or above
Writing - 6.0 or above
Overall - 6.
Compulsory Courses
Health Behaviour and Behaviour Change
Applied Statistics
Research Methods & Practice for Psychology
Health Psychology Research Review
Generic Skills


