The Sloppy First Draft
We’ve all been there: staring at the blank page or Word document, waiting for the words to come to us. We type but the right words don’t appear. We get discouraged, check our emails, and hours later, realize we only wrote a few hundred words all afternoon.
What’s the solution? Call it ‘The Sloppy First Draft’.
Here’s what you do: get yourself set up to write. That means a comfortable chair and a cup of tea, water, or coffee. A good snack, like nuts or popcorn, helps too.
Then write. Instead of measuring your progress by how perfect each sentence is, once you start writing, don’t stop until you’ve been continuously typing for 30 minutes. And then an hour. And then 2 hours. It can be nonsense. It can be comments to yourself, random ideas, or whatever comes to mind. Don’t worry about structure or relevance at this point. Before you know it, you’ll have thousands of words.
然后就 是动笔。一旦开始写,在没有连续写够半小时之前别让自己停下休息,更不要以语句优美与否作为判断自己写作进程的标准。之后就是连着写一个小时、两个小时, 或者更久。废话也罢,自我评价也好,又或者是什么随机的想法,不管你想到什么,写下来就是。眼下,文章结构或者内容关联度都不是你应该考虑的东西。
Undoubtedly, most of them will be garbage. But it is infinitely easier to get rid of words you don’t want than it is to try to write the perfect sentence. The Sloppy First Draft produces much more writing than you need for a 1,000 word essay or personal statement. For examples, in movies, they regularly shoot 50 times more footage than they need. That’s when the editing process becomes important. A Sloppy First Draft without good editing means a Sloppy Final Product. This system only works if you do it well ahead of a deadline, which means you can put your sloppy first draft aside for a day or two, and return to it with a heavy edit. Show it to your trusted friends, parents, and mentors. But edit, edit, edit.
不 知不觉间,你就将写出千字以上的文章。当然,其中多数肯定是些无关紧要的废话。但是修改剔除多余的文字绝对比每写一句都力图优美动人要来得简单得多。初稿 尽管松散,可是字数却远远超过你完成一篇千字论文或个人陈述所需要的。就像拍电影一样,摄制组通常会拍摄比所需多五十个左右的连续镜头以保证满足要求。这 也就是为什么修改编辑的过程变得非常重要。未经加工的潦草初稿直接递交,反而是一篇不达要求的成品。先打草稿后修改,这个方法只有在你做事早于截止日期时 才凑效,因为这种情况下,通常你可以把初稿暂时搁置一两天,之后再大刀阔斧地编辑修改。也可以把文章拿给信任的朋友、父母或者导师阅读,请他们提意见。但 要不断不断不断地修改。
And that’s how you get from a blank page to a well-crafted personal statement, college essay and--take it from me--even blog post.
Describing the Details of Your Experiences in a Personal Statement
Strictly speaking, an experience is an event that you participate in or share that changes you. It's important to pay attention to the details here. An experience is:
(1) an Event
(2) Participatory
(3) Leads to Change
In short, the experience part of your Personal Statement should be a narrative that tells a compelling story. Here's an example of how NOT to describe an experience:
"In the first semester of college of my second year, I took an introductory course in Biology. The teacher, Professor Smith, was really great, and I decided to take more biology courses."
An introductory course is, by definition, an course open to everyone. It's going to be hard to tell something specific about yourself when the event is so general. Make sure that the event you are describing is interesting and unique. A better example would be: was there one particular session of the course where some question or issue was raised? Was there a time you spoke to the professor in office hours or in lab?
导论课是什么?看定义就知道,导论课对全校学生开放。所以,当你选择了这样一个普通的事件,深挖事件 背后的意义再联系自身就会变得异常困难。一定要确保自己选择的事件是有趣并且独特的。这方面好一些的例子诸如:有没有哪一次上课时出现了问题?你有没有在 办公室或实验室与教授当面交流?
Second, there's nothing participatory about this There is no involvement on your part: you're just describing what happened to you instead of describing what you did "I asked for more readings from Professor Smith and he directed me to the Advanced Biology book by Carpenter, which I read with enthusiasm." That's what you did, not just what happened to you.
其次,这个例子本身就没有什么参 与性。从你这方来看:你只是描述了“当时我面前发生了什么事”而不是“当时我亲自做了什么事”。“我向史密斯教授询问是否还有更多(这方面)的阅读材料, 于是他给我推荐了Carpenter的著作,《高级生物学》——事实证明,那是一本非常非常有趣的书。”这才是你做了什么,而不仅是单纯陈述当时发生了什 么。
Finally, it's important to explain how the experience shaped you. What did you believe before that was changed? "I used to believe that Biology was only the study of microbes and organisms visible under a microscope, but Professor Smith's seminar on zoology and the animal kingdom opened up a whole new part of the field to me ." That explains how the experience was important in shaping your interests.
One word of caution: an overly narrative personal statement isn't entirely appropriate. I would suggest one, or perhaps two, experiences. The rest should be credentials and vision.