On Sunday, the Palace Museum released its new series of product – limited edition of a lipstick collection in six colors on T-mall, provoking excitement among netizens and fashion lovers.
据报道,这个口红系列由故宫博物院文化创意馆发布(released by the Palace Museum Cultural and Creative Store)。6款口红颜色分别为郎窑红(Lang Yao glaze red)、玫紫色(Rose-purple)、豆沙红(bean paste red)、碧玺色(Tourmaline purple)、枫叶红(Maple red)和变色人鱼姬(Mermaid pink)。
据介绍,这些口红膏体颜色均来自故宫博物院所藏的红色国宝器物,口红管外观设计则从清宫后妃服饰的颜色和图案上汲取灵感(inspired by colors and patterns of clothes belonging to emperors' concubines in Qing Dynasty),一个外观设计对应一款膏体色。比如,最受青睐(the most favored)的“郎窑红”色号,灵感源自郎窑红釉观音尊,外观设计灵感源自洋红色缎绣百花文夹氅衣。口红膏体颜色和外管色调十分协调、搭调。
六款口红外观分别以青、赤、黄、白、黑五方正色体系以及“宫廷蓝”为底色,上方饰以仙鹤(fairy cranes)、小鹿、蜜蜂以及各式各样的蝴蝶,下方则以绣球花(hydrangea)、水仙团寿纹、地景百花纹、牡丹、四季花篮等吉祥图案(patterns symbolize good fortune),传递中国传统审美意趣。
值得一提的是,故宫口红还采用了3D打印科技(3D printing technology),将传统图案打印在口红管上,彰显出其刺绣的质感(present the texture of embroidery)。此外,口红膏体蕴含独有的Hyacolor油分散透明质酸(hyaluronic acid)成分,柔软滋润,能有效帮助改善唇纹(help relieve wrinkles on lips),即使秋冬干燥的季节,也可高效保湿、丰润滋养。
这些口红刚在故宫淘宝网店“上新”,立刻引起了大批“宫粉”的热烈回应:“真想买一支”;“管不了‘双十二’满减了,只怕‘下手没’!”; “这口红简直是中国的Tom Ford”……其中最火的“郎窑红”色号目前预定数已超过3000支(have more than 3,000 orders to date)。
A customer surnamed Liu reserved one lipstick with the Langyao Red color as soon as the items were made available online. "The colors of the lipsticks are so beautiful and attractive since they have traditional Chinese cultural meaning," Liu said. "I think the lipstick also has a high collectible value," Liu added.
新浪微博上许多用户也表现出对该系列口红的热情。其中一位微博用户写道:“我从2017年开始就一直在等这些口红,2019年终于能拿到手了(I have been waiting for the lipsticks since 2017, and I can finally get them in 2019)。”