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kimi2019-03-16 01:22:59浏览1346

北美West Virginia University(WVU) CS PhD 2019秋季招生中,详情请见附件。欢迎申请!

Dr. Yanfang (Fanny) Ye is actively looking for FIVE well motivated and dedicated Ph.D. students who would like to start Fall 2019 (or later until filled) in the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (LCSEE) at West Virginia University (WVU). The assistantships will be provided which cover the full cost of tuition and offer the full year (12 months) stipend and benefits. The prospective students will work with Dr. Ye in Computer Science with the special areas in Data Mining, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, and Health Intelligence. 
More information about her work can be found at: http://community.wvu.edu/~yaye/

if you are interested, please send her your CV at yanfang (dot) ye (at) mail (dot) wvu (dot) edu.


