3月10日,埃塞航空一架波音737 MAX系列客机发生坠机事件,随后失事客机黑匣子被找到并送往调查。如今,又有了最新结果。
France's Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety (BEA), which is investigating the recent crash of an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX plane, announced on Monday that it had found similarities between the doomed jet and Indonesia's Lion Air flight of the same model that crashed into the sea in October last year.
"During the verification process of the FDR (Flight Data Recorder) data, clear similarities were noted by the investigation team between Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 and Lion Air Flight 610, which will be the subject of further study during the investigation," the BEA said in a statement.
The French bureau said the data which it had successfully downloaded from the Ethiopian aircraft's black boxes were transferred to the Ethiopian Accident Investigation Bureau.The BEA will release a preliminary report within 30 days, French investigators said.
1. 两者皆为波音737 Max 8系列飞机。
Both were Boeing 737 Max 8 planes
波音737 Max 8由波音公司在两年前推出。根据载客数量的不同,另有Max 9机型,还计划推出Max 10 和Max 7机型。
The Boeing 737 Max 8 was a new model unveiled to great fanfare by the US aviation giant about two years ago. The airline also produced a Max 9 and has plans to offer a Max 7 and Max 10, with model numbers based on seating capacity.
Both planes used the same software
The planes were equipped with automated flight software called the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), a relatively new feature to Boeing's Max planes.
The MCAS is a system that automatically lowers the nose of the plane when it receives information from its external angle of attack (AOA) sensors that the aircraft is flying too slowly or steeply, and at risk of stalling.
Both planes crashed shortly after takeoff
The Ethiopian Airlines flight went down six minutes after takeoff. The Air Lion plane crashed 13 minutes after taking off.
4. 两架飞机上都有经验丰富的机组人员。
Both planes had experienced crews
5. 机长都反馈过问题
Both pilots reported problems
The Ethiopian Airlines pilot said he was having difficulties and asked to return to base, Ethiopian Airlines CEO told CNN. The pilot was granted permission to return to ground around the same time the flight disappeared from radar.
A preliminary report by Indonesia's National Transportation Safety Committee said the crew of Air Lion Flight 610 struggled to override the plane's automatic systems in the minutes before it plunged into the ocean. The system pulled the plane's nose down more than two dozen times, the report said.