日前,教育部等三部委共同发布《学校食品安全与营养健康管理规定》("Regulations on the Administration of Food Safety and Nutritional Health in Schools",以下简称《规定》),中小学、幼儿园应当建立集中用餐陪餐制度。该规定从4月1日开始执行。
School officials, from senior executives to headmasters, will be required to dine with students in canteens in China's middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens, according to a notice jointly issued Tuesday by the Education Ministry, State Administration for Market Regulation, and National Health Commission.
☞ 实行学校食品安全校长(园长)负责制(accountability system),校长(园长)是第一责任人。
☞ 严格落实原材料采购(raw material procurement)、加工制作(processing)、食品留样(keeping retention samples)、清洗消毒(cleaning and disinfection)等环节管理,建立大宗物资和主食入库登记查验制度。
☞ 引入社会经营的学校食堂应建立准入和退出机制(entry and exit mechanism),不能“以包代管”,严禁层层转包(no subcontracting is allowed),严禁贴牌代包。
☞ 中小学、幼儿园应建立集中用餐陪餐制度,每餐均应有学校行政管理负责人陪餐(school officials are required to dine with students at every meal)。
日本 “给食”制度
Schools in Japan give children the sort of food they’d get at home. The meals are often made from scratch. They’re balanced but hearty, heavy on rice and vegetables, fish and soups. The meals haven’t changed much in four decades.
Beginning in elementary school, kids come to understand that what you put into your body matters a great deal in how you think and feel throughout the day—and how you go about your life.
这部日本纪录片《School Lunch in Japan》,就详细描述了日本一家小学五年级学生午餐的情况。
美国设立了“学校午餐计划”(National School Lunch Program),在公立学校等教学机构,学校都会为学生提供营养均衡、低价、免费的午餐。
The National School Lunch Program is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions. It provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day.
美国联邦法律还专门制定了《国家学校午餐法》(National School Lunch Act),用极其严苛的法律条款明确各种关于学校营养午餐的搭配规定和要求,具体到蔬菜、谷物、蛋白的摄入及比例,并针对不同年级的学生规定了严格的卡路里摄入范围。
食品安全 food safety
营养不良 malnutrition
食疗 dietary therapy
营养干预 nutrition intervention
膳食补充剂 dietary supplement
均衡的饮食 a well-balanced diet
非法食品添加剂 illegal food additives
农药残留 pesticide residues
餐厨垃圾 kitchen waste