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  斯里兰卡是世界最大眼角膜捐献国 被称为“世界的眼睛”。#斯里兰卡连环爆炸#震惊世界,已有290人因此死亡,约500人受伤。这个国家有一项令人惊叹的世界纪录——它是全球最大的眼角膜捐献国。2000万的总人口中,有110万人志愿捐献眼角膜,每一届总统都是志愿者。它累计向全世界50多个国家捐献眼角膜逾7万,当然也包括中国,14万人因此得以重见光明。

  Local police have arrested a total of 13 men believed to stand in connection with the deadly bomb blasts on Sri Lanka's churches and hotels Sunday, officials said Monday, while no further details on those held have been released at this stage. In the wake of Sunday's bomb attacks, a "homemade" pipe bomb was found close to capital Colombo's main airport and was successfully defused by the Sri Lankan air force, police said. The series of blast attacks, which occurred on Easter Sunday, killed 290 and wounded about 500 others, said police.


