屏风随影2019-05-10 10:10:57浏览936
The idea that we might force emotions by expressing them is as old as psychology. It's been supported, then debunked, and supported again (with caveats). Now, we might have to concede there's something to "turning that frown upside down" after all.
Simply put, by forcing yourself to smile you can actually make yourself a little happier. 简单地说,通过强迫自己微笑,你可以真的让自己更快乐一点。
Pooling together 138 studies on the effect our facial expressions have on our mood, researchers from the University of Tennessee and Texas A&M University took a broad look at the evidence and found a small but not insignificant effect under some circumstances.
The effect wasn't exactly huge. But it was there, suggesting we can feel a bit brighter by smiling, or experience a degree of disgust if we feign a scowl. On the other hand, acting out the emotions of fear or surprise won't do much for you.
They also found these effects were different for certain evocative stimuli, such as cartoons versus sentences. Being forced to smile while looking at a Garfield comic strip simply isn't going to make it funny, no matter how big that grin is.
The research will no doubt keep the field of facial feedback research alive for a while to come. The cause-effect relationship between our mood and our body's reactions is no doubt a complicated one that will take some serious work to untangle.
"We still have a lot to learn about these facial feedback effects, but this meta-analysis put us a little closer to understanding how emotions work," says Coles.
The researchers do make it clear that they don't think it means we can simply smile our depression away.
Still, we'll probably need to put up with being told to smile by well-meaning life coaches a little longer. Just try to grin and bear it.