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  据《自然》杂志5月21日报道,权威科研小组“人类世工作小组” 近日投票决定,认可地球已进入新地质时代——人类世。这一决定朝正式确定地质记录新篇章迈出了重要一步。该工作小组计划于2021年向国际地层委员会提交正式提议,如果通过,历史书或将改写。这项新的提议如果获批,地球将进入“人类世“,那么原子时代将标志着最新地质年代的开始。


  Nature.com reported on May 21 that a panel of scientists from the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) has voted to officially recognize that human activities have pushed the Earth into a new geological era called the Anthropocene, which means “age of man.” The move marks an important step towards formally defining a new slice of geologic record, according to Nature.com. Members who voted in favor of the decision suggested starting the new epoch from the mid-20th century when the dramatic rise of human population accelerated the pace of the Industrial Revolution and left ineffaceable scars on the planet. The panel plans to submit a formal proposal for the new epoch by 2021 to the International Commission on Stratigraphy. If the plan is approved by the commission, history would be written again.

  近日,由34名科学家组成的人类世工作组(Anthropocene Working Group, AWG)投票决定确立一个新的地质年代——人类世(the Anthropocene),以表明人类活动对地球造成的巨大变化。多年来,正式定义一个新的地质年代在学界内引发了激烈的讨论,此次人类世工作组的决定标志着有关这方面的工作又迈出了重要一步。

  人类世工作组计划在2021年前向国际地层委员会(International Commission on Stratigraphy)提交正式的确立人类世的提议;国际地层委员会负责监管官方的地质年代划分。

  人类世工作组由第四纪地层小组委员会(Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy)建立,该委员会属于国际地层委员会的一部分。决定要确立新的地质年代后,人类世工作组接下来的工作重点便是确定一个具体的地质标记或“金钉子”(golden spike),即专业上所说的全球界线层型剖面和点位(GSSP)。


