首页> 社区> 出国考试> 国际趣闻> 坐立两用桌是否真的那么神奇?(双语)


  They're good for some things, but researchers say they're not the magic bullet solution for health that many would like them to be.


  Remember when everyone was talking about standing desks? They were hailed as a calorie burner, a cure for obesity, an instant energizer. Now that many office workers have had a few years to use them, there is more evidence available as to whether they're really so fantastic – or not.


  Researchers from Tufts University's Office Ergonomics Committee conducted a review of 53 studies that have been done on sit-stand desks – specifically, those that are designed to change heights. They analyzed the desks' effects on six categories: behavior (e.g. time spent sitting and standing), physiological, work performance, psychological, discomfort, and posture.


  ergonomics[ˌɜːrɡəˈnɑːmɪks]: n. 工效学;人类工程学

  What they found is that sit-stand desks are most effective at relieving physical discomfort. Study co-author April Chambers, a bioengineering professor at the University of Pittsburgh, told CNN, "We saw consistently across the studies an improvement in discomfort and pain as people use the desks. And this was found not only in people who, for example, experienced low back pain, but also in adults with obesity and in healthy populations as well."



