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插班生2016-08-09 14:44:51浏览1873

托福考试中的阅读和听、说、写三科比起来,“技巧性”的成分相对稍少,更多是要考硬实力,“读懂”才是硬道理,“读懂”二字分解到最根本就是对词汇的认知和 句子的分析能力(这就是为什么英语基础极弱的学生有可能写作上达到了20以上,阅读却只有个位数)。词汇量大、语法意识强、句子分析能力强,阅读能力也就 自然而然水涨船高,多数阅读题型便迎刃而解。但是在教学的过程中发现,不少英语基础很好的学生,常常被推理题折磨得欲生欲死。明明就看的懂文章,为什么题 目却做不对?

官 方指南中说推理题是考查原文没有明确阐明的信息(事实信息题和其相反,考查的是明确阐明的信息),这一点可能会对一些学生和老师产生误导。我听过有些老师 和学生说,要是选项中说的和原文内容一样,不需要推理,这样的选项是不能选的。个人认为这种说法是不对的。首先,ETS的“明确”不“明确”的概念有时让 我们不好理解,有的题说得不直接,需要少许推理,这道题却是事实信息题;有的题说得都送到嘴边再直接不过了,却是一个推理题。


This “atmospheric engine,” invented by Thomas Savery and vastly improved by his partner, Thomas Newcomen, embodied revolutionary principles, but it was so slow and wasteful of fuel that it could not be employed outside the coal mines for which it had been designed. In the 1760s, James Watt perfected a separate condenser for the steam, so that the cylinder did not have to be cooled at every stroke; then he devised a way to make the piston turn a wheel and thus convert reciprocating motion into rotary motion.

According to paragraph 2, the atmospheric engine was slow because

○It had been designed to be used in coal mines

○The cylinder had to cool between each stroke

○It make use of expanding steam to raise the piston in its cylinder

○It could be operated only when a large supply of fuel was available


The transition from forest to treeless tundra on a mountain slope is often a dramatic one. Within a vertical distance of just a few tens of meters, trees disappear as a life-form and are replaced by low shrubs, herbs, and grasses. This rapid zone of transition is called the upper timberline or tree line. In many semiarid areas there is also a lower timberline where the forest passes into steppe or desert at its lower edge, usually because of a lack of moisture.

Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about both the upper and lower timberlines?

○Both are treeless zones

○Both mark forest boundaries.

○Both are surrounded by desert areas.

○Both suffer from a lack of moisture.

在 第一道题的原文说道engine很慢,但是并没有直接说慢的原因,而是告诉考生说Watt改良了蒸汽机,使气缸不用在每次冲程之间降温。原文以此间接地告 诉了考生原来的engine之所以很慢是因为气缸在每次冲程之间需要降温,所以答案选择B。虽然是事实信息题,但是答案并不是很直接,需要少量推理。第二 道题的原文说上树界线和下树界线都是从有树转变成没有树的区域,所以两者的共同点就是标志了森林的边界,答案选择B,虽然题干中出现了关键词 “infer”,是推理题,但是并不需要多少推理。从这两道题可以看出,到底什么是“明确阐明”,什么不是“明确阐明”,这个界限我们很难去分辨。但是可 以肯定的是,正确答案一定是最直接、推理得最少的选项,而且选项错误不会因为它太直接、不需要推理,而是肯定因为是错的。








大 部分的同学都会选择C,因为虽然其他3个选项的大方向和该段落很像,甚至很有可能会在文章其他段落出现,但是该段没有直接说,而C选项却是原文最直接的总 结。我通过这个类比,告知学生不管是事实信息题还是推理题,选择正确选项的原则永远都是:最直接、最肤浅、推测内容最少的选项。该原则同样也可以运用到 SAT的推理题当中。


When I was growing up in the streets of New York City, yo-yo crazes would sweep through kiddie culture ever year or two, usually lasting for a month or so. These crazes were not provoked by any technological improvement in the design of yo-yos. Similarly, a universal fascination with contained circular motion will not explain why every kid needed a yo-yo in July 1951 but not in June 1950. The answer, in short, must lie in commercialization. Every few years, someone figured out how to make yo-yos sell.

In lines 69-73 (“Similarly…exploited”), the author implies that what changed between June 1950 and July 1951?

A. The yo-yo was invented.

B. A sales campaign increased demand for yo-yos.

C. Modern commercial advertising practices were born.

D. Physicists discovered the principle that made yo-yos work.

E. A particularly widespread and intense yo-yo craze ended abruptly.

原 文提到,“被控制的圆周运动的吸引力并不能够结实为什么在1951年每一个孩子都需要一个溜溜球,而在1950年却不需要。答案肯定在商业化中。每隔几 年,就会有人想出如何卖溜溜球的点子。”题目问从文中可以推出1950和1951年发生了什么变化,那么根据原文说的商业化的原因,最直接最不需要推理的 选项应该是B,促销活动增加了溜溜球的需求。正确选项永远是最直接的那个。如果文章只说主人公以现状为耻,你不能去臆断他就很后悔;文章只说主人公身有残 疾,你不能去臆断他就身残志坚;文章只说资本主义是人吃人的、黑暗的、残酷剥削劳动人民的,你不能去臆断社会主义终将代替资本主义,英特纳雄奈尔就一定会 实现。当然,大部分的错误选项都是和原文矛盾或者未提及的内容,只有少量题目才会出现方向一致、程度不同的错误选项。刚开始讲SAT阅读的时候,我还会按 照题干是否出现“infer”、“imply”等词把题目分为细节题和推理题分别讲解,但是教了一段时间之后,发现所谓的细节题和推理题的区别实在是微乎 其微,于是渐渐把两种题型合二为一了。不管这个题目被命名为推理题、事实题还是细节题,老师们需要做的是告诫学生不可想象力过于丰富,脑洞过大,延伸推 理,或者是钻牛角尖,“直接”二字才是正确答案的关键所在。


