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  Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, who is married to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is taking heat over an International Women’s Day post.She asked people to "celebrate the boys and men in our lives who encourage us to be who we truly are, who treat girls & women with respect" on 8 March.


  Ms Gregoire Trudeau urged followers to post images with their "male ally".


  But some Facebook commenters said Ms Gregoire Trudeau’s post was "tone deaf" and even "shameful".


  The post included a photo of her and her husband holding hands.


  "Why do we have to celebrate men on international women’s day?" Facebook user Bibi Ebel said in one popular comment. "I am puzzled.

  在点赞数最高的评论中,脸书网友Bibi Ebel说:“为什么在国际妇女节,我们要去赞美男性?我很迷惑。”

  "There are so many things that can be done to celebrate women, and yet the call goes out to celebrating men. Allies and unity are crucial, but so is womanhood."


  Another user, Kristyn Ann, wrote: "This is utterly ridiculous. Shameful really.

  另一网友Kristyn Ann 留言,“真是荒诞至极。简直可耻。”

  "I think I’ll be taking photos with my daughters, female friends and colleagues instead."


  Not everyone disagreed with the sentiment by Ms Gregoire Trudeau, a mother-of-three and former entertainment news reporter.


  Her post received 11,000 likes and 2,300 "hearts" - more than the angry and crying face emojis that can also be used to react to posts on the social network.


  Emily Herbert wrote: "I can’t believe the backlash!! It seems so few men are standing by us in our fight for equality. It is always nice to appreciate the ones that are."

  Emily Herbert写道,“我无法相信人们的强烈抵制!看起来在男女平等的战争中,很少有男子站在我们这边。去欣赏值得欣赏的人总是美好的。”

  Ms Gregoire Trudeau also responded to people’s comments on her original post.


  "Well, now we’re having a conversation! Thanks to everyone for your feedback and pics! Love it," she wrote a few hours later.


  Ms Gregoire Trudeau added: "Our goal is gender equality, and fighting for it is going to require men and women working together - raising our boys and girls to make a difference, hand-in-hand. This is about recognising that we should be allies on this journey."


  An outspoken advocate for gender equality, Mr Trudeau has repeatedly spoken of himself as a "feminist".




