首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> 生活小百科:你绝对不知道坐飞机还有这些危...



  Hypoxia is a condition in which the body’s tissues are deprived of oxygen, a very mild form of which can occur during flight and leave the traveller with a headache, feeling dizzy, or unable to focus. With air pressure in the cabin similar to what you’d expect to find at 8,000 feet above sea level, your lungs have to work much harder to take in the same amount of oxygen, contributing to the headaches and dizziness that many people feel.


  Ankle swelling and deep vein thrombosis


  Sitting still for extended periods of time has long been associated with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), which kills thousands of people every year. The condition occurs when blood clots develop within the deep veins of the legs, causing pain and swelling. Long periods of immobility in cramped spaces, low cabin pressure and dehydration can all contribute towards the likelihood of a passenger getting DVT.


  Hearing loss


  Many of us are accustomed to the roar of an aircraft, even from inside the cabin. Sounds can often range between 95 and 105 decibels, rising to 115 during take-off – which can potentially lead to hearing loss, especially if you fly a lot.




  Aircraft cabins are a ripe breeding ground for viruses. A study published in 2004 revealed that the chance of developing the common cold is over 100 times greater on a flight than on ground level.


  Motion sickness


  Motion sickness can leave you looking pale, feeling dizzy and even nauseous. It is caused by a difference between what your eyes see and what your inner ears -which are responsible for balance - feel. Your inner ears think you are sitting still but your eyes know you’re travelling at 500mph or that the aircraft is tilting.




