首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> 双语:研究人员发现数学学不好与基因有关

  If the very thought of spatial and mathematical tasks, such as reading a map or solving a geometry problem, makes you nervous, it could be partly due to your genes, suggests a new research. “Our results have important implications for finding specific genes which contribute to differences in anxiety between people,” said Margherita Malanchini from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College London.

  你是不是经常会有这种感觉,只要一想到空间和数学问题就会变得紧张焦虑,比如在查阅地图或者求解几何问题时就会出现这种情况。最新研究发现,这可能有一部分是因为你的基因问题。就职于伦敦国王学院精神病学、心理学和神经科学研究所的Margherita Malanchini 称,“研究人员现在正在寻找一些造成人与人之间焦虑差异的特定基因,而我们的调查结果对他们的工作有着重要意义。”

  “Pinpointing specific genes for anxiety could help in identifying children who are most at risk from very early in their lives, and subsequently to intervene and prevent the development of anxiety,” Malanchini added.

  Malanchini 补充说,“如果能找到引发人们焦虑的特定基因,就可以从早期识别出那些面临风险最高的儿童,从而对这些基因采取干预手段,预防焦虑的进一步发展。”

  In the study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers measured anxiety in a sample of more than 1,400 twin pairs aged 19 to 21 from the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS).


  The researchers identified several different forms of anxiety — general, mathematics, navigation and rotation/visualisation.


  All forms of anxiety showed a substantial genetic component, with DNA explaining over a third of the differences between people.


  Non-shared environments were found to explain the rest of the differences between people in spatial anxiety, which are environments that twins raised in the same family do not share, such as different extra-curricular activities, teachers and friends.


  Non-shared environments such as driving, cycling or playing computer games may be particularly relevant to spatial anxiety, the researchers said.


  The study also showed that people who are anxious about navigation are not necessarily anxious about rotation/visualisation tasks, such as completing a complex jigsaw puzzle.


  The same was found for mathematics and general anxiety, showing that those who experience spatial anxiety do not necessarily tend to experience anxiety when faced with a mathematical tasks.


  The researchers also found a small but significant gender difference in their sample, with women showing higher levels of anxiety than men across all areas.


  This could be due to women being more willing to disclose their feelings of anxiety, or anxiety caused by the stereotype that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects are “for men”, the researchers said.




