首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> BBC:英国政府宣布在小学普及性教育(双语...

  Sex and relationships education is to be made compulsory in all schools in England, the government has announced.


  All children from the age of four will be taught about safe and healthy relationships, Education Secretary Justine Greening said. Children will also be taught, at an appropriate age, about sex. But parents will still have the right to withdraw their children from these classes.


  Until now, sex education has been compulsory only in council-run schools. Since academies and free schools are not under local authority control, they do not have to follow the national curriculum and have not been obliged to teach sex and relationships education (SRE).


  Age-appropriate lessons will have particular emphasis on what constitutes healthy relationships, as well as the dangers of sexting, online pornography and sexual harassment.


  In primary schools, the focus would be on building healthy relationships and staying safe, the Department for Education (DfE) said, while in secondary school it would focus on sex as well as relationships.


  The government will hold discussions on what should be taught to children, and at what age, and there will be a public consultation later this year.


  Pupils could be taught the new curriculum from September 2019, the DfE said.


  In an interview with the BBC, Ms Greening said: "At the moment, many schools teach sex and relationships education. But it's not mandatory, and, therefore, for many children, they are not coming out of our schools really being equipped to deal with the modern world or indeed be safe and protected from some of the very modern challenges that young people face on cyberbullying and sexting. "


  The current guidance for SRE, introduced in 2000, was outdated, she added.



  The news was welcomed by the Local Government Association, which has been campaigning for compulsory sex education in all schools.


  Izzi Seccombe, chairman of the association's community wellbeing board, said: "The lack of compulsory SRE in secondary academies and free schools is storing up problems for later on in life, creating a ticking sexual health time bomb, as we are seeing in those who have recently left school. We believe that making SRE compulsory in all secondary schools, not just council-maintained ones, could make a real difference in reversing this trend, by preparing pupils for adulthood and enabling them to better take care of themselves and future partners."


  But critics fear the announcement weakens the influence of parents.


  Chief executive of the organisation Christian Concern Andrea Williams told the BBC: "Children need to be protected, and certainly when they're [still at primary school], we need to be guarding their innocence. "


  National co-ordinator Antonia Tully said: "Parents will be absolutely powerless to protect their children from presentations of sexual activity, which we know is part of many sex education teaching resources for primary school children. The state simply cannot safeguard children in the same way that parents can. This proposal is sending a huge message to parents that they are unfit to teach their own children about sex."


  School leaders, however, welcomed the news.


  Russell Hobby, general secretary of school leaders' union NAHT, said: "It is so important for young people to be taught about appropriate relationships."



  @spacely: 4 years old is way too young to start. The changes will result in children becoming sexualised at a younger age and, yes, losing their innocence earlier.


  @Dr Clem: Over 80% of sexual abuse happens within the home by someone close to the child. Teaching children body safety from a young age will help them speak out earlier and deter abusers if they know they are more likely to be outed.


  @Gibb: Kids are socialised at school alongside their mates and school is where they are most likely to learn about sex. Parents aren't necessarily qualified to deal with a lot of the health, legal andpsychological factors associated with online porn and sexting, though it won't harm anyone for them to get involved in at least talking about some of the issues. So I would not mind at all if my daughter's school came up with a well-thought-through plan to talk openly about what apparently a lot of kids might be getting involved in.




