首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> 英国新法规:新手司机开车时只是发一条信息...

  New drivers who are caught using a phone at the wheel will lose their licence under new legislation that comes into force today.


  From Wednesday anyone found calling, texting or using an app while driving will face a 200 pounds on-the-spot fine and six points on their licence.


  It means that new drivers – who can lose a maximum of six points before being banned for the first two years after passing their test– will face an immediate ban for sending a single text message.


  Previously they were able to avoid getting points on their licence by taking part in retraining courses.


  More experienced motorists can lose their licence if they receive 12 points in a three-year period.


  It follows a tragic incident in which Polish lorry driver Tomasz Kroker killed four members of the same family after failing to stop while scrolling through music on his phone.

  这是由一场交通悲剧引起的:一位波兰的卡车司机Tomasz Kroker由于沉醉在手机音乐中而未能及时刹车,导致一家四口死亡。

  Twenty-two people were killed and 99 seriously injured in accidents on Britain’s roads in 2015 where a motorist using a mobile was a contributory factor.


  Research by the RAC has found that one in four motorists admits checking texts, emails and social media while driving.


  Chris Grayling, the Transport Secretary, said increasing fixed penalties would act as a "strong deterrent".


  He added: "Everyone has a part to play in encouraging their family and friends not to use their phones while driving. It is as inexcusable as drink driving."




