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  双语:“以瘦为美”受冲击 胖子迎来第二春!

  "Yes, I’m a bit ’fat,’ but I’m beautiful as well!" said Cai Jingwen, a plus-size model working in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. The 23-year-old girl never thought she would be a fashion model one day, as she grew up in a society where being slim is considered a key standard for beauty. However, her eyes shine with confidence in front of the camera.


  Earlier this year, well-known American supermodel Ashley Graham appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine, making her the first plus-size model to appear on the cover of the American fashion bible, which pushes the boundaries of the definition of beauty once again.


  In fact, the plus-size model industry has also been emerging in China recently as people are holding a more open attitude toward fashion and diversity.


  "Plus-size models first appeared in China in 2011 and began to gain popularity over the past two years," said Liang Min, a senior plus-size model agent who has been working in the industry for years.


  According to her, the total sales of plus-size brands online reached 12 billion yuan ($1.7 billion) and the market potential for plus-size models is huge.


  She added that the beginning of the breakdown of public stereotypes for "skinny beauty only" and growing business opportunities open up a new world for larger people.


  Finding and refining oneself


  "When you truly accept yourself as who you are, you will find others’ opinions do not matter that much," said Cai.


  She studies music in college and has been working part-time as a plus-size model for a year.


  She is beautiful, fashionable, independent and full of energy. It is hard to imagine that this attractive young woman was once an ordinary girl who was too self-conscious to show her figure in front of the camera.


  Cai had long been dubbed as "that little fatty girl" when she was young. Each time people called her fat, she would doubt or sometimes even devalue herself. She tried to lose weight several times by eating only vegetables and porridge, but failed. In her heart, the word "beauty" had nothing to do with her until one of her friends persuaded her to try out at some plus-size model auditions.


  Dreams come true


  "My interest finally became my job. It’s nothing but perfect!" said Chen Dingding, 22, who has been working full-time as a plus-size model for three years. To him, becoming a model is a dream come true.


  Chen used to be thin and fit when he was young. He loved dancing, and was a ballroom dancer until junior high school when he became too busy with his studies and quit.


  It was at that time he started to gain weight. As his body began to change, his peers would laugh at him and mock him, and he gradually lost confidence in himself. After graduation, he worked in public relations, but deep down he knew what he really wanted.


  He feels modeling is a creative work that brings life and personality to clothing and accessories. However, he buried his dreams due to his plus-size figure until he found a modeling competition that he could attend in 2013.


  His dreams finally became a reality when he took second place in the competition, which totally changed his path in life.


  "I was so happy and my confidence came back. I’m very proud to being a plus-size model," Chen said. "Larger models can create great value as well."




