首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> 哪些经历令第一次来中国的外国人吃不消?

  Editor’s note: Your first encounter with China can be a bit overwhelming, and you may still remember the first time you were really left speechless. Our forum readers recount their first visits to China, providing some interesting insight into Western attitudes toward China.


  RonJaDa (Canada)


  I got on a crowded bus, I had no packages dragging me down. This guy in his 30s got up from his seat and insisted that I sit down. This has happened several times with men and women giving me their seat. I was appreciative of the gesture but did not feel I was yet a senior, though I have more and more gray hair each month.


  WhiteBear (Poland)


  My first time in China, summer 2006, Zhejiang, I was walking in the evening with my Chinese friend/host, we had a snack, and then he just dropped the remains on the sidewalk, even though the trash bin was a few meters away. I asked him, "Why you did it?" He replied, "What?" "You just dropped the garbage on the sidewalk", "Yes, of course", "Why?" "Somebody is paid to clean it...". I was speechless...


  SoCalChevy (US)


  I haven’t lived in China, but when I visited Chengdu, I was surprised by how people were driving. As I was crossing a busy street with a large group of people, one driver tried to push and honk his way through the crowd. In California, pedestrians have the right of way.


  Boilermaker21 (US)


  When I first arrived from the US, my family and I had a 4 hour layover in Shanghai before taking the plane to our final destination. Since we were exhausted from our 14 hour long haul flight, we just decided that we would stay at the airport and rest at the gate.


  Within minutes of us sitting down, crowds began to gather around us and began to take our pictures. It was incredibly overwhelming and not at all what I expected in a Westernized city such as Shanghai.


  Futsanglung (UK)


  I was refused entry to the Shanghai Metro as I had deoderant in my bag, the guard pointed at the flammable symbol and said it was not allowed as it was explosives!




