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  丑小鸭变天鹅:微生物学学生妹 6个月成环球小姐

  These two photographs show the amazing transformation of a Miss Universe beauty queen. But the most incredible part of Chalita Suansane’s rise to stardom is how quickly she went from geek chic to belle of the ball.

  以上两张照片显示了一位环球小姐冠军惊人的转变。不过,最令人难以置信的部分还是,Chalita Suansane逆袭的过程,她相当快的从一名不起眼的学生变成了女神。

  The 22-year-old’s beauty pageant career only kick-started last year — and she never harbored dreams of being a successful model. Taken as recently as a year ago, pictures of Chalita, who was studying microbiology at Mahasarakham University at the time, show how she barely resembles the person she is now. Photos from a private album taken within the last year and obtained by MailOnline show she wore thick-rimmed glasses and had braces. It was only in July last year that her sister applied for Miss Thailand on her behalf — and it everything changed. So what was the secret of her transformation?


  Chalita said, I never thought I would ever be a model. My sister just joked that we should send in my resume for the Miss Thailand competition. When I applied for Miss Thailand my face didn’t change at all. I just did a lot of exercise and lost some weight. The rest was down to make-up, healthy eating and sunbathing. And a few new dresses.




