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  Serviceplan's Virtual Crash Billboard Gives Jaywalking Pedestrians a Shock



  In a world where we are constantly on our smart phones or absorbed in screens, most people will admit to being distracted when walking down the street, and not looking up from phones when crossing the road.


  Each year 4,500 pedestrians are victims of road traffic crashes in Paris.


  So the Parisian Road Safety Authority – “la Securité Routière d’Ile de France” - and Serviceplan France conceived a powerful outdoor campaign designed to deter people from crossing on a red light, and make them aware of the importance of paying attention when crossing the road.

  为了阻止行人乱闯红灯,以及提高人们过马路的警觉性,法国道路安全局(la Securité Routière d’Ile de France)与法国服务计划共同设计了一个特别的室外运动。

  ‘The Virtual Crash Billboard’ was installed in a busy Paris street on 22nd March.


  When a person crossed the pedestrian crossing on a red light, the billboard made the sound of a car braking in an emergency, then automatically took a photograph of the shocked pedestrian and displayed it on a large screen next to the crossing with the road safety message: ‘Don’t take the risk of facing death’.


  The idea behind the operation was to display a specially designed interactive digital billboard near a busy pelican crossing.


  Equipped with a movement detector, speaker, and camera, the smart billboard made the sound of screeching tires whenever a pedestrian attempted to cross the road while the “red man” was displayed.


  The digital video and posters, created under real-life conditions, will be used as part of the forthcoming "Quinzaine Régionale des Usagers Vulnérables" (15th-28th May 2017) on train station billboards and in a Facebook campaign.

  这些电子录像和海报都是在真实的生活场景中捕捉的,它们将作为即将到来的"Quinzaine Régionale des Usagers Vulnérables" 活动的一部分,展示在火车站的电子公告牌以及脸书的活动当中。



