首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> 给不会撩妹的你些忠告:怎么挑选合适的礼物...

  I just received the worst Valentine’s Day gifts. It is not because they are not pretty enough, expensive enough or that I absolutely hate them. It is because it bothers me knowing that they look like things my date’s ex-girlfriend would have liked.


  It was a purse from a designer brand that I consider too girly. Granted, giving flowers, jewelry or designer bags as gifts for special occasions is a safe choice. However, I think the reason he knew better than to get gifts like craftworks is that his exes have taught him. The fact that he chose from these safe options reflects his speculation of what girls would like, a result of his knowledge based on his exes.


  Doesn’t it freak you out that what you’ve received from your better half on Valentine’s Day as a gift, is actually a reflection of his or her ex’s taste? I know I’m unreasonable like a spoiled child, but it bothers me.


  The moment I asked the question in a WeChat group of my girl friends, messages started to come in like crazy. It turns out everybody had so much to say about the terrible gifts they have received in the past. One of them said the worst gift she has received was chemistry equipment from her high school sweet heart. She said it was a small device which would generate electricity if you put two of its plugs into a banana.


  Another girl once received a heart-shaped rock, which was an even worse gift back then because a celebrity involved in a cheating scandal was caught when it was revealed that he gave similar heart-shaped rocks to several women.


  It is not that the men did not put thought into the gifts to make their women happy, but they are just clueless. Not to mention that it is hard to please women.


  One has to find the perfect balance between being expensive enough to show that you care, and not too expensive that she might wonder if he is just trying to buy his way out of something he did.


  One also has to find the perfect balance of being romantic yet practical. This means finding something that she could really use, but also something that makes her feel wooed and that she can show her girl friends.


  Or, you might be lucky enough to be with someone who is sane enough to give you proper gifts, but you might still feel bothered because his ex had trained him on how to pick them out.




