首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> 心理趣闻:六招教你看出恋人是否要出轨

  1. They’re self-absorbed: Most cheaters tend to be narcissists or at least share many similar qualities. If your other half is self-absorbed and lacks empathy, then he or she is more likely to cheat as the attention and admiration they will get from a new love interest will be more important than your feelings and needs.


  2. They’re insecure: Insecurity is also a common trait of cheaters. Unfortunately their need to feel loved and have their other half’s constant attention can be what leads them to cheat. They are scared that they are not good enough or that they will end up alone, which is why they will try and have a back-up plan.


  3. They are greedy: People who are more likely to cheat always seem to think that the grass is greener on the other side, which is why they might end up exploring other options in their attempt to ‘strike a better deal’ for themselves.


  4. They accuse you of cheating: Because they have the urge to cheat, they will think you are the same and will get paranoid whenever you look at someone else or give someone a compliment.What your man sees in you, can only be a reflection of his own thoughts, behaviours and actions. Honest, reliable men never doubt you, because they do not doubt themselves.


  5. They are flirts: Cheaters often flirt with everyone, even when you are together. This feeling desired can eventually lead them to cheat on you.


  6. They are deceptive: If you’ve caught them lying before, then you need to be careful as this indicates the extent of their moral code. Not all liars are cheaters but cheaters are always liars.




