首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> 最新震惊报告:黄瓜竟会导致痴呆?(双语)

  Gwyneth Paltrow faced scrutiny after a guest writer for her health website claimed a protein in cucumbers could lead to Alzheimer’s.


  Goop is ridiculed for promoting expensive lifestyle products and many questionable health theories.


  In a recent post, Goop’s Dr Steven Gundry, a heart surgeon and cardiologist specialist from California, said he found a link between memory loss and lectins, found in cucumbers, tomatoes and whole grains.


  He said such food could even lead eaters to develop dementia.


  The article sparked a flurry on Twitter, with readers gleefully making fun of the ’ridiculous’ suggestion.


  But it seems this time Gwyneth may have the last laugh.


  Nutritionists and doctors who normally criticize Goop have admitted to Daily Mail Online that there is evidence to show lectins are harmful to the gut and could cause a host of issues - and possibly memory loss.


  England’s Dr Tom Greenfield, who examines the effects of lectins on different blood types, said the protein can ’absolutely’ play a role in brain disorders.


  He said the protein impacts people differently and the damage they can cause really comes down to a person’s genetics.


  He said: ’There is a specific link to blood types. You can’t say "avoid all lectins" because some might be good for people and bad for others.


  ’Lectins can change your body, immune system and blood levels. They can block insulin receptors and over time this can affect blood vessels, even in the brain.


  ’So if blood vessels aren’t working, it will cause damage to the brain.’


  Dr David Jockers said lectins have been shown to block nutrient absorption, which leads to problems.


  He said: ’In general they are stressful on the body. Lectins have an affinity to latch on to leptin and insulin receptors.’


  He added: ’I don’t think lectins are a major cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s, but I could see how they could be a factor.’




