首页> 社区> 留学经验> 留学生活> 最新研究:迷迭香能提高记忆力

  It’s a stressful time of year for students across the globe. Whether a fresher or in your final year, summer exams are never fun.


  All-nighters, long days in the library, last-minute cramming - it’s enough to make any graduate shudder at the memory.


  But there’s one surprising ingredient that has seen a surge in sales after a recent study found it helps improve memory: rosemary.


  According to high street health food chain Holland & Barrett, sales of the herb have increased by 187 per cent compared to the same time last year.

  据《大街》健康食品连锁店Holland & Barrett数据,这种药草的销量比去年同期上涨了187%。

  The demand has been so high that they’ve even had to order in extra supplies.


  A spokesperson for Holland & Barrett said that after the research was published: “We saw a sharp rise in customer demand. As the exam season continues, we have increased provision in store to meet demand.”

  Holland & Barrett的一位发言人表示,在这项研究公布后,“客户的需求大幅上升。随着考试季的持续,我们已增加了供应以满足需求。”

  The study was carried out by Northumbria University and concluded that exposure to rosemary can boost memory.


  The researchers found that students working in a room that contained the aroma of rosemary - in the form of an essential oil - achieved between five and seven per cent better results in memory tests.


  “It could be that aromas affect electrical activity in the brain or that pharmacologically active compounds can be absorbed,” said researcher Mark Moss.

  研究人员Mark Moss说,“有可能是香味影响了大脑的电活动,又或者是那种药物活性化合物可以被吸收。”

  Mum is following me round the house with Rosemary as she read it helps you do better in exams.


  It’s not the first time the link has been made though - rosemary has been connected with improving memory for centuries.


  In ancient Greece, for example, students would wear rosemary garlands during their exams.


  As university students and school pupils across the globe sit exams and snap up rosemary to help, you may have to find another way.




