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  (CNN) The residents of Dawu, in central China’s Hubei province, say they are being killed by their water. The Ying River, a major tributary of the Huai River, passes near the village and has been heavily polluted for more than a decade.


  One villager, Wu Zongjun, says pollution has spread to the underground basins and water they use for irrigation. "(Now) there are people passing away due to cancer every year," he says, adding he personally knew more than 20 people diagnosed in his village since 2010.


  A dead chicken floats in the severely polluted waters near Wanggou Village, upstream from Dawu Village on the Ying River. It isn’t just hearsay -- in 2013, the Chinese Center of Disease Control and Prevention issued a report, showing a direct correlation between the Huai’s water pollution and cancer risk in nearby villages, nicknamed Cancer Villages.


  The plight of Dawu village is just one small part of a massive water crisis unfolding in China. The problem isn’t just the pollution that has contaminated much of northern China’s groundwater -- there are also chronic shortages in the major cities, including the capital Beijing, that are putting the country’s economic growth at risk.


  But now China’s mammoth bureaucracy has begun to turn its attention to the country’s water issues. Billions of dollars are being funneled into large-scale solutions, trialed in cities and rivers countrywide, while government officials try to rein in polluters with strict new laws. Critics say some of the measures are expensive, too short-term and come with massive hidden costs.




