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2017年年度十佳电影新鲜出炉! The 10 best films of 2017

从《佛罗里达乐园》到《帕丁顿熊2》,BBC电影文化评论家Nicholas Barber选出了他年度最喜爱的电影。

From The Florida Project to Paddington 2, BBC Culture film critic Nicholas Barber chooses his favourite movies of the year.

10. Downsizing 《缩小人生》


Despite its title, Downsizing sees Alexander Payne’s ambition growing to vertiginous heights. His specialism is wistful comedies (Sideways, Nebraska) set in a recognisable contemporary US, but his latest film is an apocalyptic science-fiction mind-bender set at some unspecified point in the future, in the US and beyond. Matt Damon and Kristen Wiig play the Midwestern couple who wonder whether they should cut their living costs by being shrunk to the size of Barbie dolls but this droll premise is just the beginning. As soon as you think you can see where it’s going, Downsizing ventures somewhere startlingly new instead.

尽管这部影片的名字叫做《缩小人生》,但是导演 Alexander Payne却通过这部电影展现出了他不断增长的雄心壮志。他因专攻创作当代美国讽刺戏剧(《杯酒人生》、《内布拉斯加》)而闻名,然而他最新的这部电影却是发生在美国和其他国家未来某个不确定时间里的一个故事,是一部能够带来一场思想盛宴的启示录式的科幻作品。马特·达蒙(Matt Damon)和克里斯汀·韦格(Kristen Wiig)饰演一对美国中西部的夫妇,他们为了节约生活成本,犹豫着是否要把自己缩小到芭比娃娃大小的尺寸。这个滑稽的前提仅仅是这个故事的开端。一旦你认为你能看清电影的发展方向的时候,它又会在某处惊人地呈现出全新的冒险旅程来。

9. A Ghost Story 《鬼魅浮生》


What’s it like to be a ghost, sloping through eternity with no way to affect the physical world except by making the odd lightbulb flicker? David Lowery (Pete’s Dragon/Ain’t Them Bodies Saints) ponders this topic in a strangely poignant indie mood piece with a unique central performance: the film’s conceptual master stroke is that it has an Oscar-winning leading man (Casey Affleck), but he has almost no dialogue, and he spends most of the running time hidden by a floor-length white sheet. Depending on how mystical you’re feeling, A Ghost Story is either a poetic meditation on transience and isolation, or an extended joke about a man who is too immature to move on after a break-up.

成为一个幽灵是什么样的呢,除了能制造出一些让灯泡闪烁的奇怪现象,在永恒之中毫无目的地游荡,又能如何对这个物质世界产生影响呢?导演大卫·洛维(David Lowery)(作品:《彼得的龙》/《他们非圣人》)以独立制作人尖锐独道的眼光考量了这个主题,并用独特的核心表演呈现了出来。这部电影的高明之处在于,饰演男主角的奥斯卡影帝Casey Affleck在片中几乎没有对白,他大部分的时间都隐藏在垂至地板的白布中。《鬼魅浮生》到底讲的是什么故事,它是一个变幻无常的诗性沉思,还是关于一个男人分手后因太不成熟以至无法走出感情而延伸出来的玩笑,这都取决于你对神秘的感知有多少。

8. Their Finest 《他们最好的》


The British film industry was obsessed by the 1941 evacuation of Dunkirk this year: two of its most award-friendly offerings were weighty epics chronicling the nerve-flaying action (Dunkirk) and the behind-the-scenes political wranglings (Darkest Hour). More satisfying than either, though, was Lone Scherfig’s multi-layered romantic comedy drama in which a secretary (Gemma Arterton) researches and co-writes a morale-boosting weepie about the evacuation. Their Finest is a blissful tribute to the camaraderie and compromises of movie-making, with a cast so lovable that you want to hug every character, and yet it never lets you forget the constant tension and danger of life during wartime.

今年,英国电影行业对 1941年的敦刻尔克大撤退事件十分着迷。最有获奖可能的两部影片展现出了让人提心吊胆的战斗场面(《敦克尔克》)和幕后的政治风波(《至暗时刻》)。然而,更令人满意的则是 Lone Scherfig这部多层次的浪漫喜剧电影。在剧中,一名秘书(Gemma Arterton饰演)研究并合作编写大撤退中提升士气的催泪剧本。《他们最好的》通过友善可爱的演员们的表演,致敬了电影制作中的友情和妥协,这让你想去拥抱每一个角色,然而这部电影也时刻提醒着你战争时期那持续不断的紧张与危险。

7. Lady Bird 《伯德小姐》


Having co-written Frances Ha and Mistress America with Noah Baumbach, Greta Gerwig scripts and directs a film of her own, a flawless coming-of-age comedy that balances polished wit with deep affection for its heroine. The heroine in question, played by the stunningly self-possessed Saiorse Ronan. But the character’s pretensions, insecurities and family quarrels will make every single viewer wince with recognition.

曾与 Noah Baumbach联合创作出《弗兰西丝·哈》和《美国情人》的 Greta Gerwig,终于导演了一部属于她自己的电影。这是一部完美的成长喜剧,导演很好地平衡了女主角的理智与情感。然而让人惊讶地是,这名问题少女,却恰恰是由沉着稳重的西尔莎·罗南(Saiorse Ronan)扮演(西尔莎·罗南也凭借此部影片获得了2017年金球奖音乐/喜剧类电影的最佳女主角)。但是电影中人物的自负,不安全感以及各种家庭纠纷都将给每一位观众带来强烈的共鸣。

6. The Florida Project 《佛罗里达乐园》


Sean Baker follows his breakthrough hit, Tangerine, with another caring, vivid and buzzingly energised study of marginalised Americans on the wrong side of the poverty line. Set in and around one of the motels which tourists drive past on their way to Disneyland, The Florida Project invites the viewer to spend a long, lazy summer with a mischievous six-year-old girl, Mooney (Brooklynn Prince), her defiant mother, Halley (Bria Vinaite), and the motel’s tireless caretaker, Bobby (Willem Dafoe). As Mooney and her friends roam between traffic-crammed roads and unspoilt meadows, the film forces us to ask whether they are having an idyllic childhood or an awful one.

继突破性作品《橘色》(Tangerine)后, Sean Baker在新作中,又以一种同情、生动且充满活力的手法,展现出对处在贫困线下被边缘化的美国人的洞察。故事发生在游客开车去往迪斯尼乐园要途经的一个汽车旅馆周围。《佛罗里达乐园》围绕一个淘气的六岁女孩Mooney(Brooklynn Prince饰演)、目中无人的母亲 Halley(Bria Vinaite饰演)以及汽车旅馆里不知疲倦的看门人Bobby (Willem Dafoe饰演)展开故事情节,邀请观众们与他们一同度过一个漫长、懒散的夏天。这部电影也不禁让我们发起疑问,当 Mooney和她的朋友们在拥挤的道路和未经休整的草地之间漫步时,他们拥有的是一个田园般的童年,还是一个糟糕的童年呢。

5. Get Out 《逃出绝命镇》


Jordan Peele’s writer-directorial debut was unmatched this year in terms of pure start-to-finish entertainment. The mysterious tale of a young black photographer (Daniel Kaluuya) who goes to stay with the impeccably liberal parents (Catherine Keener, Bradley Whitford) of his white girlfriend (Allison Williams), Get Out is gripping, explosively funny and as wonderfully creepy as the 1970s horror classics which inspired it. But that’s not all. As well as getting audiences laughing, screaming and cheering, Peele got them talking: his sly satire has prompted more debate about race relations in America than any number of earnest historical dramas.

今年,Jordan Peele编剧兼导演的处女作品因为呈现出从头到尾的纯娱乐性而备受瞩目。《逃出绝命镇》讲述的是一个年轻的黑人摄影师(Daniel Kaluuya饰演)与他的白人女友(Allison Williams饰演)及其完美主义的父母(Catherine Keener, Bradley Whitford饰演)相遇并发生的神秘故事,如同激发其创作灵感的 20世纪 70年代的恐怖经典影片一般,电影《逃出绝命镇》十分扣人心弦,让你捧腹大笑的同时又能让你毛骨悚然。该片的意义不止于此,除了让观众大笑、尖叫和欢呼之外,导演Peele还让这部作品引人深思。与任何一部严肃的历史正剧相比,Peele的这部讽刺电影引发了更多关于美国种族关系的讨论。

4. Good Time 《好时光》


Robert Pattinson may be famous for playing a vampire in the Twilight series, but he seems a lot more predatory and a lot less healthy in Good Time: you can almost smell the sweat dripping from his gaunt, pasty, pop-eyed hustler as he cheats and robs his way around the grubbier corners of New York. And there is more to this outrageous urban crime farce than Pattinson’s career-best performance. A fizzing cocktail of audacious style and painfully raw authenticity, the film marks out its directors, Josh and Benny Safdie, as two of America’s most exciting and distinctive new talents.

RobertPattinson因扮演《暮光之城》系列中的吸血鬼而知名,但他在《好时光》的角色似乎要比前者更具掠夺性,也显得更不健康。当他在纽约的肮脏街角干着欺诈、抢劫的勾当时,你几乎能从他的枯瘦、苍白、瞪大着双眼的脸上嗅到汗水滴下的味道。这部离谱的城市犯罪闹剧不仅仅成为了Pattinson职业生涯的最佳表现,也因其大胆的风格和简单粗暴、不加修饰的真实性,让Josh Safdie和 Benny Safdie一跃成为美国最令人兴奋、最具特色的天才导演。

3. Paddington 《帕丁顿熊》


Very few live-action children’s films are as joyous as Paddington 2 although to call it “live-action” might be to denigrate its delightful animated sequences. Its mild-mannered ursine hero (voiced by Ben Whishaw) emerges as a genuine inspiration in these troubled times.

很少会有实景儿童电影能像《帕丁顿熊 2》这样充满欢乐,然而将这部影片称作“实景”甚至都可能都远远不足以表达出这部动画影片之中的欢声笑语。温文尔雅的熊主人公(由Ben Whishaw配音)总能在困难时期如同真正的灵感一样出现。

2. Happy End 《快乐结局》


Like the bleakest-ever episode of Arrested Development, Michael Haneke’s Happy End is an abyss-black comedy about three generations of a business dynasty, each one psychotic in its own particular ways. Isabelle Huppert, Matthieu Kassovitz and Jean-Louis Trintignant play the Calais grandees who embody first-world callousness both at home and in the workplace, but who are chillingly sure that they’re in the right. They’re a loathsome bunch, but if the film’s grim view of humanity is upsetting, its ingenious structural trickery should raise a smile. Happy End is a series of murder mysteries. Haneke gives us tantalising glimpses of various crimes and misdemeanours, but we have to wait, each time, to discover what happened and who was to blame.

如同《发展受阻》(Arrested Development)当中最为惨淡的剧集一样,Michael Haneke的这部《快乐结局》则通过一个黑暗喜剧,讲述了一个商业王朝中三代人的故事,每一个人都有自己特定的精神疾病。Isabelle Huppert,Matthieu Kassovitz和Jean-Louis Trintignant饰演的加来(法国城市)贵族,无论是在家里还是在职场中,都表现出“第一世界”的麻木不仁,然而他们却又冷淡地相信自己是正确的。他们是一群令人憎恶的人,但是如果这部电影对人性的灰暗看法令人心烦意乱,那么它巧妙的结构性诡计应该会引人发笑。《快乐结局》讲述了一系列的谋杀谜团,Haneke让我们瞥见各种各样的罪恶和不轨行为,但是我们每次又不得不去等待,才能发掘处到底发生了什么,以及谁应该受到指责。

1. The Shape of Water 《水形物语》


This gorgeous spy-monster-romantic-comedy-musical has everything you could want from a Guillermo del Toro film or any other film, for that matter. Sally Hawkins sparkles as a mute cleaner who falls for a humanoid amphibian (Doug Jones) in a secret government laboratory in early-1960s Baltimore. The reason it all works so beautifully is that The Shape of Water isn’t just a ravishing celebration of the love between a woman and a fish-man, but between a director and the magic of cinema.

Guillermo del Toro执导的这部华丽影片集间谍、怪物、爱情、喜剧、音乐等元素于一身,应有尽有。在60年代早期的巴尔的摩市,由莎莉·霍金斯(Sally Hawkins)饰演的哑巴清洁工爱上了一个在秘密政府实验室的水陆两栖人。而这部作品如此出彩不仅仅是因为《水形物语》中引人入胜的情节表现出对人鱼之恋的赞颂,也表达出了导演和摄影魔力之间的赞扬。


